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Awards, Grants, Honors, Recognition

  • Teaching Innovation Grant, SUNY Cortland Faculty Development Center: Spring 2023

The aim of these grants are to encourage the development and sharing of new instructional strategies among faculty. Proposals may be submitted for projects that focus on any type of course enhancement in an applicant's area of specialization.

The IDEALized public speaking curriculum: Inclusion, diversity, equity, access & learning

  • Lucy Shelton Caswell Research Award, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum: 2023 (with Daniel Yezbick, PhD)

The award is named for Professor Emerita Lucy Shelton Caswell, the founding curator of BICLM, and provides $2500 to support researchers who need to travel to Columbus, Ohio to use the BICLM collections materials on site.

Letters and Lace: The mail of Male Call

  • SUNY Potsdam Honors Course Funding: Fall 2016

COMM106: Basic Principles of Speech, Honors - audience analysis as market research

  • SUNY Potsdam Research and Creative Endeavors Program 2016-2017: Fall 2016

Designed to provide seed money to pursue research and attract external funding for their work. The maximum award per project is $1,000. Preference given to projects that have the potential to encourage new faculty, women and minorities, support scholarly endeavors across the disciplines, and to attract external resources.

Four-color​ campaigns: Politics in/and comics.

  • žNational Endowment of the Humanities Summer Seminar on Law & Religion: participant/grant recipient: Jul. 2010

Basketball Medals
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