Home: links to free/open access online articles
Politics in the Gutters: information about the book​
Guttered Politics: blog (mostly archived) of politics in comics since 2021, to accompany the content of Politics in the Gutters
The Comic Art of War: information about the book
Miltoons Comicsography: bibliography of military cartoonists
So You Think You Know Scarecrow: information about the book (forthcoming)
Old Blood-&-Ghosts: information about the book (in progress)
Revolutionary Revenants: information about the project (in development)
Site Directory: this page
About: brief biography
More About: extended biography focusing on work in political communication
CV & Résumé: embedded PDFs of Knopf's curriculum vitae & résumé.
Academic Portfolio: details about professional experience
Education & Professional Development: degree work, certificates, badges...
Pedagogy: includes teaching philosophy, syllabi,course evaluations, teaching schedules, sample class materials, media coverage, development activities...
Scholarship: includes research agenda, password access to full texts + reviews, profile links, citations, media coverage, development activities...
Service & Leadership: lists activities and experiences in university and academic service
Achievements: academic honors and hallmarks
Practical: industry experience and sample work
Contact: socials links and contact form
Bibliography: annotated list of publications with available links
Conference Presentations: bibliography of presentations by host
WIPs: publications in development
Research by Area: publications & presentations listed by general topic
Teaching: areas and positions
Advising: syllabus & information
CMS Promo: information about the department & field, famous people who studied communication, media, or rhetoric
Advising FAQ: common questions about degree requirements, options, and services
Public Speaking/PRES Support: landing page for Presentation Skills resources & core information for COM210 instructors
Speech in GenEd: resources to support oral communication across the disciplines, including a guide for proposing "PRES" courses at C-State
Speech Scholarship: scholarly articles on best practices and key considerations in teaching public speaking skills and supporting speech students and faculty
Free Digital Resources: free online materials to augment the F2F, remote, or hybrid speech class - organized by topic
Edutainment: lists of shows, films, podcasts, and games appropriate to public speaking
Teaching Speech Online: information to support teaching public speaking online​
Civic Engagement: resources for political communication, deliberation, civic engagement, media literacy, and voting
Publicity: interviews, podcasts, vidcasts, and media mentions
Creative: galleries of creative hobbies
Cosplay: images of cosplay creations for comic cons and other events
Photography: showcase of photographs​
Site Map