Hi! I'm Dr. Christina Knopf (pronounced "nope") - I also go by "cK" (an old handle & a Superman reference because I'm a huge comics geek) or "Dock" (a nickname students gave me, short for Doctor Knopf). If you're looking at this, that probably means that I'm currently your academic advisor.
Fall 2024 Office Hours
Tu/Th 11:30am-12:00pm
We 8:30-11:30am
VanHoesen B-125G
How I Can Help You
Go to the FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions about things like how to read your DegreeWorks, search classes, create your schedule, get academic help, seek emotional or financial assistance, transfer credits, find internships, study abroad, and other answers to frequently asked questions.
See Key Terms for commonly used terminology, especially if you're new to SUNY Cortland.
Check out the Quick Links for information and links about the websites and offices on campus you may need to use.
​​​​You can also fill out this ANONYMOUS survey/evaluation to provide me with feedback for how I can better help you:
Things I can do:
Help you find resources and information you need.
Help you identify the people or offices you need to contact to ask certain questions or resolve certain issues.
Help you to understand your degree requirements.
Help to make sure you're on the path you want to be on.
Help you identify electives that you might want to take.
Make suggestions about what courses to take & when.
Discuss options for graduate study in communication.
Things I cannot do:
Handle financial issues.
Lift holds on your account.
Reserve or open seats for you in classes.
Get you into full classes.
Change your registration date/time.
Override course restrictions (like program requirements or prerequisites) that prevent you from taking a class.
Create your schedule of classes for you (though I can and will help with that)
Register for classes for you.
- Change the degree requirements for you.
✨How you can help you✨
I'm your academic advisor - that means I'm here to advise or guide you through your academic program.
But it's YOUR education, YOUR degree, YOUR schedule, YOUR life.
I want you to be in control of it. I want you to be empowered.
Most, if not all, the information you will need to navigate your time at SUNY Cortland is available to you
on the college website.
in MyRedDragon.
at orientation
in COR101
in emails from Advisement & Transition, the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and the Associate Dean.
Ultimately, you are your own best advocate. You know your goals, your needs, your preferences better than anyone else. Do everything you can to make sure you know as much as you can about your degree, your courses, and anything/everything else that matters to your success and well-being at SUNY Cortland.
Take the initiative.
Look at your DegreeWorks.
Look at the program description on the college's website.
Learn to search the schedule of classes to see the range of options that aren't listed in DegreeWorks.
Check out the resources offered by Advising & Transition, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and the Registrar.
Monitor your email carefully for any information that might be helpful.
The more you know about finding and accessing the information and resources you need, the easier degree completion will be. (The same is true of familiarizing yourself with class syllabi and Brightspaces; the more you know, the more successful you are likely to be.)
Do what you can to take charge of your own education, because you will get out of your experience at SUNY Cortland what you put into it.
Key Terms
Advising: live or virtual discussions with your advisor about semester plans - required to register for each each semester
Brightspace: the learning management system that is replacing Blackboard as the basis for online & hybrid courses, also used to support face-to-face classes
DegreeWorks: your degree audit/transcript that shows your progress on completing your degree (accessed through MyRedDragon)
MyRedDragon: the college portal for advising, meal plans, the library, etc.
PIN: the personal identification number, a 4-digit code, you need to get from your advisor in order to register for future semesters. You must have an advising session about your plans in order to receive the PIN
Registration: signing up for classes
Starfish: a communication platform for course and advising-related matters
Time Ticket: the earliest day and time during the pre-registration period that you are allowed to sign up for classes (can be found in MyRedDragon>Registrar>Online Advising)
Quick Links
Office of Advising and Transition: * 607-753-4726
Advisement (Academic advisors are available on a walk-in basis on Wednesdays for brief advising questions.)
Transfer credits
Transfer student support
Registrar (Student Registration & Record Services): 607-753-4702
Regular hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Student Accounts: * 607-753-2313
Billing & refunds
Financial Aid: 607-753-4717 * Miller 205
Office of International Programs: * 607-753-2209
Study Abroad
International Students
Career Services: * 607-753-4615 * Van Hoesen B-5
Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Tuesday
College Breaks 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday
Drop-in hours- - Monday & Thursday 1:30-3:30 p.m., Tuesday 4:30-7:00 p.m.
Advising Basics
You will find your time ticket for when you can begin registering in myRedDragon under the Registrar's Channel-Online Registration. Please note, your time ticket (and class year) is based on how many credits you've completed, not counting the classes you are currently taking.
In order to register for classes, you must have an advising meeting with me to receive your PIN code for registration. This is mandatory by university policy.
Sign-up through Starfish for an advising appointment:
There is a link to Starfish in your MyRedDragon.
If you're unfamiliar with the Starfish interface, there is an introductory video online and instructions for making an appointment here.
Most appointments will be virtual through WebEx. The link for the WebEx room is in Starfish & provided with the appointment confirmation; you will not receive a separate WebEx invitation.
If you are unable to keep an advising appointment, please cancel it in Starfish to allow someone else the chance to use that time.
If you don't do advising before your registration time, you will be delayed in registering, which may impact your ability to get into your desired classes.
Come to your advising session prepared!
Familiarize yourself with your degree requirements in DegreeWorks.
Look through the course schedule online to see what is being offered and will fit your needs and schedule. You can use the advanced search options to find classes that meet on certain days/times, that fill specific GE requirements, that are being taught by certain instructors and more. Choose to look at just communication or cinema courses if you're searching for electives.
Use Schedule Builder to create some possible or preferred schedules. We'll use your selections as a starting point for discussion and planning.
If you don't come to the appointment with any idea about what you want to take, you will have to make a follow-up appointment.
If you need additional guidance in navigating the advisement and registration process, check out the Registrar's FAQ Database or my webpage for advising which has a FAQ for the questions I hear the most.
If you are new to this process, please note that advising and registration are not the same. After your advising appointment, you will register for your classes yourself online at or after the day/time of your assigned time ticket.
Learn more on the registrar's webpage at Prepare For Registration and