Since 2001, I have taught more than 30 courses, levels 100 (first-year) through 600 (graduate), at community colleges, public and private comprehensive colleges, and research universities in the United States. With the wealth of information readily available through the World Wide Web, the learning apps freely available on ubiquitous phones, and the rapidly advancing teaching capabilities of AI interfaces, instructors are no longer needed to facilitate the provision and acquisition of knowledge. Our role has changed from the (cliched) sage to guide, and now, to interpreter. My role is, in Rumi's words, "to be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder." It is not to share my expertise, but to leverage my expertise to help students navigate and make sense of the mis/information-rich, technology-laden, environment in which we exist. When students finish a course with me, I want them to have a broader view of the world and a different perspective on their experiences in it. I want them to understand not how to use communication and media technologies, because those will change, but to how to develop and make sense of the content those technologies create. I teach communication and rhetoric as not only skills to be developed, but also as ways of knowing, understanding, and relating. Through communication, I want students to be better speakers and listeners and to be more critical thinkers who will ask questions of themselves and others. Most of my courses integrate historical and sociological perspectives designed to give students insight to their communicative interactions in relationships, work, politics, civic life, and media use, with a greater awareness of embedded socio-political and systemic ideologies and inequities. I ask my students to understand communication concepts and theories via lived examples and experiences and to engage in analytical and/or creative exercises that apply those course concepts and theories. My personal philosophy of learning is the “distributed individual” mode; I believe people will more naturally learn things that have value or use to them, and this is reflected in the ways I try to get students to make personal connections to material and advisees to direct their own schedules. At the same time, I believe that learning should have a collective benefit, that while people may learn through and for individual goals and values, education itself has a responsibility to the collective, and I want students to be better community members because of what they have learned. Though the student learning outcomes of my courses vary depending on program and topic, broadly they are that students will… • exhibit proficiency in oral discourse. • critically analyze the relationships between media and society. • understand, and be able to improve, the dynamics of interpersonal and group interactions. • reflect critically on, and be able to challenge, cultural stereotypes and systemic inequities in media and communication. • understand the nature and uses of verbal and nonverbal symbols and expressions in public communication. • read, understand, and apply communication. theory and contemporary communication research • construct and evaluate arguments. • engage in deliberative and group decision-making processes.
I use a number of teaching strategies and techniques, and I am always learning and trying new things. A few elements that I consistently rely on for classes include the syllabus, the lecture, multi-media, games, lived connections, oral and written work, rubrics, exams, and self-assessment. The Syllabus ~ I view the syllabus as a rhetorical document and a student resource; it is designed to help students make sense of and succeed in the course, and perhaps beyond it. I want it to encourage students to see the value in the course, its content, and its structure; to help them understand that policies are in place (and enforced) to maximize fairness for everyone, to facilitate a generally-conducive learning environment for all, and to help guide best practices to empower students to take charge of their learning and to be proactive. The Lecture ~ The lecture is probably one of the oldest, and still most widely used, teaching techniques in American universities. It is a useful tool for providing students with information more current than that found in their texts, for giving students a structure for more effective reading, and for motivating students through raising awareness, creating conflict, and sharing enthusiasm. The lecture also serves as a model for public speaking practices and as an approach to understanding concepts and solving problems. Multi-Media ~ I integrate feature films, documentaries, TV show episodes, news broadcasts, YouTube videos, radio plays, cartoons and comics, and music into my classes as often as possible. Using films and TV shows provides illustrations that are not only verbal but visual, and they provide a change in environment to help get and maintain students’ attention. The approach of using entertainment products to foster knowledge and understanding is described as "casual learning;" it engages entertainment as a cultural text that reveals something about the societies of its creation and depiction. Games ~ Games are a great way to encourage not only active, but interactive learning in a non-threatening, and even entertaining, format. Games can help students to learn and think in new ways. They are inherently social, and learners are embedded in not only a material but also a social world. Games can illustrate concepts and encourage creative and critical thinking in a fun environment, fostering community and problem solving. I use a wide variety of tabletop games in my teaching, especially in public speaking classes, though also in media literacy and political communication. Life Connections ~ We are all familiar with the consumer model of education in which students are looking for skills that will help them get, and keep, jobs. While this model may be antithetical to our ideals of a liberal arts education, it is a reality – and one that is particularly acute in the current economy. I always look for ways to help students see the personal and/or professional utility in course content, through assignments related to their majors (in General Education courses), journaling and "application logs," and simulation exercises. I, however, also embrace the "disinterested," or the aesthetic mode, of learning that is concerned less with practical applicability and more with cultivating sympathy, empathy, humility, and charity as well as sparking curiosity the sake of exploration and enjoyment. Oral & Written Work ~ Preparing a speech is not the same as writing an essay. There are different expectations and needs for structure and language use in oral communication than written communication. Students are more likely to encounter and learn the norms of written communication across their coursework throughout their entire educational life than those of good oral expression, so I generally choose to focus on the latter. In my undergraduate courses, especially lower-division, writing is important part of my curriculum, but it is either part of preparing a speech or is shorter or more informal than traditional paper assignments, engaging journaling, short writing prompts, and reading reactions. Shorter writing assignments are fitting for the digital age in which many students will find themselves engaging largely in e-communication, especially for written messages, in their jobs. Furthermore, these kind of shorter, focused, personal, and/or creative assignments – which are often completed in class – minimize the chances of intentional and unintentional plagiarism, challenging students to think independently rather than taking to the Internet to look for answers and examples. Rubrics ~ To reduce unproductive tension – the sort that may be fostered by uncertainty or confusion – in the classroom, I rely heavily on rubrics for evaluating and assessing papers, presentations, and other projects. I recognize that rubrics can be controversial in pedagogy, receiving criticism for oversimplification of assignments or tackling unique student work in a "cookie-cutter" fashion. A well-developed rubric, however, can avoid such pitfalls, improve faculty efficiency and consistency, and clarify expectations for students. Exams ~ Psychological research on the science of successful learning has demonstrated that the act of preparing for a test and actually taking the test and retrieving information is a great boost to memory. Exams are not just instruments of assessment, they are also an important learning instrument. Exams are a clinically proven way to help students keep up with classwork – they encourage attendance, preparation and review in ways that less traditional or structured means do not, and the use of frequent quizzes or tests is likely to promote regular, moderate, work, whereas a few larger assignments tend to produce short bursts of cramming, often at the last minute. In order to make exams part of long-term learning, I use several techniques: 1) Students are often given the option of creating 'cheat sheets' for use on exams, based on the readings, assuming they limit the paper size to 4x6 per chapter and submit the sheets when readings are due (thus, encouraging regular reading). 2) Regular small quizzes are frequently used to prepare students for larger midterm and final exams. The big exams are made up entirely, or mostly, of questions from the quizzes. 3) In some classes, I have students generate the test questions themselves, encouraging them to think about what is important and giving them control in the evaluation tools if the class. 4) Some exams use a gaming approach, allowing students to choose among questions, depending on their levels of confidence with material or their willingness to gamble with the math. 5) Some classes use an open book approach as a way to encourage students to see the text as a resource or tool rather than as merely an expense or homework burden. Self-Assessment ~ I often use student-generated rubrics, student self-assessment, student self-grading, or other forms of "ungrading" or "contract grading" as a way to get students involved in the educational process, to give them a sense of control, and to address concerns of inequity. Studies suggest that self-grading is positively associated with student learning and can help to improve student study skills and performance.
In my course syllabi, alongside language about diversity, legal protections, and accessibility accommodations, I add an explanation of what these things mean in communication, noting that diversity goes beyond visible demographics and embraces a diversity of viewpoints, standpoints, opinions, and experiences. We learn and grow when confronted with new ideas and different perspectives, and students are encouraged to tell their stories and truths with the expectation that all will listen respectfully and openly. Part of learning communication is learning to be ethical communicators and so anything that fits the definition of hate speech or degrades fellow human beings is not welcome, anything that violates ethical responsibilities by advocating violence or actions that could harm any audience member’s pursuit of life and liberty is not welcome, and anything that violates the college’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity is not tolerated. My own approach to addressing diversity and inclusivity in my teaching has evolved over the years, as our understandings of what it means to be a 'co-conspirator' rather than an 'ally' have changed, as we have learned better the difference between being a non-racist and an anti-racist, and as discussions about accessibility have expanded beyond making reasonable accommodations to being inclusive. This has meant that I have moved away from such things as doing units on race, gender, and sexuality in courses to incorporating identity, stereotypes, and systemic inequities into any and all discussions. It has meant changing the way I think about lectures and PowerPoints so that notes can be provided both before and after class discussions and thinking more comprehensively about the effective use of audio-visual media. It has meant redesigning group activities and projects to ensure no students are put into potentially dangerous situations where they must endure microaggressions, racism, homophobia, or sexual harassment. It has meant changing class participation and discussion protocols to allow for a greater variety of student involvement with reduced stressors. It has meant making more cost-conscious decisions about required course materials. It has meant being more flexible with classroom attendance, behavior, and technology policies and expectations. And it has meant always reviewing and revising syllabi with a critical eye to find ways to foster more and better communities of belonging. Instead of policing classroom behavior and penalizing perceived nonconformities, I strive to create a classroom environment that is safe and welcoming and to spark curiosity, so that students want to participate. I incentivize attendance and reading, rather than punishing their lack. Grades are focused on students' engagement with course content rather than on student behavior. I frame attendance and time-management within employment expectations and as keys to student-generated course success, rather than as class disciplinary rules. Other behavioral expectations are explained within the context of the class community, as ways of being good citizens.

Part of teaching is helping students learn how to tolerate ambiguity, consider possibilities, and ask questions that are unanswerable.
Sara Lawrence Lightfoot
SUNY Cortland
Professor, 2022-Present
Associate Professor, 2020-2022
Assistant Professor, 2017-2020
Human Communication
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Introduction to Media Literacy
Interpersonal Communication
Mass Media & Society
Organizational Communication
Horror in the Media & Communication
Political Communication
Small Group Communication
Crisis (Pandemic) Communication & PR
Communication in Social Change
Gender Communication
Professional Communication
Race & Gender Role Stereotypes
Genesee Community College
Adjunct, 2005
Public Speaking
SUNY Potsdam
Associate Professor, 2012-2017
Assistant Professor, 2006-2012
Basic Principles of Speech
Basic Principles of Speech, Honors
Persuasive Speaking
Contemporary Political Communication
(Doing) Textual Analysis
Politics of Poltergeists
Communicating War
Rhetoric of Civil & Public Religions
Religion & Messages of Change
Rhetoric of Social Movements
Voices of American Women
Wo/Men & Elections
COMM-ics Research
Communication Theory
Research Methods in Communication
Locational Identities
College of Saint Rose
Adjunct, 2003
Mass Media as a Social Force
Monroe Community College
Adjunct, 2005
Public Speaking
Introduction to Media
SUNY Albany
Lecturer, 2004-2005
Teaching Asst (instructor of record), 2001-2004
Teaching Assistant, 2000
Speech Composition & Presentation
Political Advertising
Media & Culture
Introduction to PR Theory & Practice
Oral Discourse & Civic Culture